May Newsletter

A Recent TYL Job

Golf Course Bathroom Remodel in Ladysmith, VA

Take a look at this recently completed bathroom out of Ladysmith, VA! The client, a local golf club, wanted to update their bathrooms. In both the men and women’s bathroom, the TYL removed wallpaper, flooring, and fixtures. We then came in and installed new tile, new fixtures, and added a fresh coat of paint. We love the results and so do the members of the golf club!

A Recent TYL Job

Golf Course Bathroom Remodel in Ladysmith, VA

Take a look at this recently completed bathroom out of Ladysmith, VA! The client, a local golf club, wanted to update their bathrooms. In both the men and women’s bathroom, the TYL removed wallpaper, flooring, and fixtures. We then came in and installed new tile, new fixtures, and added a fresh coat of paint. We love the results and so do the members of the golf club!

Happy National Home Remodeling Month!

Here Are Some Upgrades to Make to Your Home This Month!

Happy National Home Remodeling Month!

Here Are Some Upgrades to Make to Your Home This Month!

TYL Won a Stevie Award!

TYL Won a Stevie Award!

We are thrilled to announce that TYL Inc. has been awarded a Stevie Award from the American Business Association for Best Small Business in Manufacturing and Construction! This prestigious award is given to those companies who are dedicated to impacting their local communities, employee development and company growth!

Team Updates

Team Updates

Employees of the Month

Employees of the Month

Congrats to our two employees of the month: Suellen Payne and Nelson Machado. Suellen is the head of our Commercial Construction division. We are recognizing Suellen for her stellar work ethic! She is always ready to take on a new project or lend a hand. Thank you for all you do Suellen!

Nelson is one of our dedicated Field Technicians. Nelson is very reliable and hardworking. We always know that we can count on him, from arriving on time to his jobs or driving out to an emergency call in the middle of the night, he has our back. Thank you Nelson!

Congrats to our two employees of the month: Suellen Payne and Nelson Machado. Suellen is the head of our Commercial Construction division. We are recognizing Suellen for her stellar work ethic! She is always ready to take on a new project or lend a hand. Thank you for all you do Suellen!

Nelson is one of our dedicated Field Technicians. Nelson is very reliable and hardworking. We always know that we can count on him, from arriving on time to his jobs or driving out to an emergency call in the middle of the night, he has our back. Thank you Nelson!

May Riddle Contest

Congrats to our April Riddle Contest Winner, Natalie McCracken! For your chance to win a $25 gift card, reply to this email with the correct response!

What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?

May Riddle Contest

Congrats to our April Riddle Contest Winner, Natalie McCracken! For your chance to win a $25 gift card, reply to this email with the correct response!

What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?

Additional Information

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