march NewsLetter
A Recent TYL Job: Throwback Edition
Grace Church Roof Replacement
In September of 2019, the TYL crew started work on the 100-year-old Grace Episcopal Church in Midland, VA. Our team did a complete roof replacement. We started by consulting a structural engineer to ensure that the existing structure could support a new roof, then we went in and stripped all the old shingles and replaced them with new slate. It made a huge impact on the overall look of the building and the congregation was very pleased with the results. The church was also able to salvage some of the old slate and hand them out to congregants as keepsakes!

Its Women’s History Month: Let’s Talk About Women in the Construction Industry

Meet the Women of TYL

From right to left: Kellie Carter (Lead Project Coordinator), Pam Beatty (Office Manager), Marina Schaubach (Insurance Project Coordinator), Gates Bryan (Marketing Coordinator), Suellen Payne (Head of Commercial Construction), Peggy Flester (Financial Administrator).
Team Updates
Team Updates
We have a new TYL Dad!
We have a new TYL Dad!

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of the newest addition to the TYL family! Meet Robert Jr! Our field techician Robert’s partner Julie gave birth to Robbie on February 9th at 8:28am. He is happy and healthy, not to mention well looked after, thanks to their pup, Peanut.
We are thrilled to announce the arrival of the newest addition to the TYL family! Meet Robert Jr! Our field techician Robert’s partner Julie gave birth to Robbie on February 9th at 8:28am. He is happy and healthy, not to mention well looked after, thanks to their pup, Peanut.
Employees of the Month
Employees of the Month

Congrats to our two employees of the month: Tim Stephens and Jeremy Fox. Jeremy is our On-Site Superintendent and is always a hard-working and reliable team member. Tim is one of our Project Coordinators and has really gone above and beyond in his position this month, especially in regard to snow removal. Thank you, Tim and Jeremy, for your unwavering commitment to TYL!
Congrats to our two employees of the month: Tim Stephens and Jeremy Fox. Jeremy is our On-Site Superintendent and is always a hard-working and reliable team member. Tim is one of our Project Coordinators and has really gone above and beyond in his position this month, especially in regard to snow removal. Thank you, Tim and Jeremy, for your unwavering commitment to TYL!
Meet the Women of TYL

From right to left: Kellie Carter (Lead Project Coordinator), Pam Beatty (Office Manager), Marina Schaubach (Insurance Project Coordinator), Gates Bryan (Marketing Coordinator), Suellen Payne (Head of Commercial Construction), Peggy Flester (Financial Administrator).

March Riddle Contest
There was no winner for the month of February, so last month’s riddle is still up! Send an email to with the correct response for a chance to win $25!
I have a heart that never beats. I have a home, but I never sleep. I can take a man’s house and build another’s, and I love to play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I?
March Riddle Contest
There was no winner for the month of February, so last month’s riddle is still up! Send an email to with the correct response for a chance to win $25!